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Student rights and duties

Students’ rights and duties are outlined in the Statutes of the University of Extremadura.


The duties of students of the University of Extremadura are:


  1. To carry out their academic work according to their position as university students and to get the most out of the experience.
  2. To respect University property, and to properly use its facilities, goods and resources.
  3. To responsibly discharge the posts or functions to which they have been elected or appointed.
  4. To cooperate with the rest of the university community to ensure the smooth running of the University and ensure the improvement of its services.
  5. To receive individually-tailored advice and assistance from professors and tutors. The Governing Council will be responsible for approving and developing the corresponding Regulation on this issue, on the basis of the proposal of the Student Council.
  6. Any other duty deriving from these Statutes and current legislation.


The rights of students of the University of Extremadura are:


  1. To take studies according to the regulatory provisions on this issue, both general ones and specific ones of the University of Extremadura.
  2. To receive good-quality theoretical and practical teaching in order to develop their scientific and critical capacities, as well as having access to culture to ensure a comprehensive education.
  3. To take part in evaluating teaching systems, and in programming and arranging education, by means of a representative and as set out in these Statutes.
  4. To take part in courses, seminars and other activities aimed at training students and enabling them to perfect their skills.
  5. To choose their own Centre and, where relevant, Department or University Research Institute, in line with the regulations in force, being aware before enrolling of the range of subjects offered and the teaching programming for each degree, the general evaluation criteria and subject programmes, as well as the dates upon which the evaluation exams are to be held.
  6. The right to receive public information about University regulations governing the validation of student knowledge and publication and review of grades, by means of an effective and individually-tailored procedure carried out before such grades are permanently entered in the official documents. The Governing Council shall approve the various steps in the mechanisms regarding complaints and reviews of grades in line with the opinion of the Students’ Council.
  7. The right to equal opportunities and not to be discriminated against on the basis of personal or social circumstances in carrying out their academic activities, with the establishment of positive action measures aimed at ensuring full and effective university participation.
  8. To have access to facilities and any other appropriate resources enabling studies to be carried out properly, with particular focus on the disabled.
  9. To help with research work, as far as possible and under suitable guidance and supervision.
  10. To receive, where relevant, scholarships, awards and other funding that the University or any other public or private bodies offer students, as well as to take part in the process for awarding such funding through the corresponding panels of judges and committees.
  11. To enjoy Social Security protection within legally-established terms.
  12. To receive academic and professional guidance by means of the Departments, University Research Institutes and bodies that may be set up for this purpose.
  13. To participate, by means of their representatives, in the various governing bodies of the University.
  14. Any others stemming from current legislation, these Statutes or derived regulations.