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Administrative and Services Staff Works Council

The Business Committee is the representative and collegiate body of the labour Administrative and Services Staff (PAS) of University of Extremadura responsible for defending its interests.

Article 63.1. Workers’ Statutes.


Hello everyone:

The Labour PAS Business Committee of the UEx has prepared this Website so that our community can find here clear and updated information on the events that take place in different areas and that in one way or another affect our duties.

A unique idea has led us to the creation of this Website, and to gather all the information we normally use in our daily work so that it can be easily viewed and as accessible and easy-to-use as possible.

The menu has been divided into two distinct sections, one on Overview, and other on Highlights.

Overview: compuesto de los siguientes epígracomposed of the following headings:

  • About (PAS Business Committee home page)
  • Personnel (list of the Business Committee members)
  • Functions (to be carried out by the Business Committee according to the applicable laws)
  • Regulations (which we understand to affect directly our community)
  • Minutes (we will post the minutes of the Business Committee, Governing Council, University Teaching Body and Social Council as they are approved)
  • Impresos (los que utilizaremos con cierta asiduidad (permisos, licencias y vacaciones, variación del IRPF, procedimiento de incapacidad temporal, solicitudes cursos de formación.Print-outs (which we will use quite often (permits, leaves of absence and vacations, IRPF variation, temporary disability procedure, training course requests, etc.)
  • Formación (enlace directo a distintas web de formación, propia de la UEx y ajenaTraining (direct link to different training Web, owned by the UEx and outside Websites)
  • Committees (composition, purposes and duration of the various Committees, whether permanent or temporary)
  • Links of interest (with the different Universities, representation bodies, union branches, etc.)
  • Agreements (those agreed by and between the Business Committee and the Management and that are in force)
  • The Reporting Committee (will be available to the community, different numbers of these specific data)


Highlights: where the following headings:


  • Calls and contests (link to the page of Calls and Contests of the UEx Human Resources Service)
  • UniversiaPAS (link to UniversiaPAS page)
  • Interest Rates (link to the Bank of Spain Web page that contains updated interest rates)
  • Suggestions (through them, we expect the contact with the Committee to be even more direct and clarifying)
  • Petitions (through them, we intend to have quick and accurate information of specific problems that may arise)

{0>Desde el Comité de Empresa del PAS laboral de la UEx, hemos confeccionado esta Web con la intención de que nuestro colectivo encuentre en ella, la información clara y actual sobre los acontecimientos que se producen en los distintos ámbitos, y que, de una u otra forma afectan a nuestro trabajo.<}0{>The Labour PAS Business Committee of the UEx has prepared this Website so that our community can find here clear and updated information on the events that take place in different areas and that in one way or another affect our duties.<0}

{0>Una única idea ha sido la que nos ha movido a la creación de esta Web.<}0{>A unique idea has led us to the creation of this Website, and to<0} {0>Que tengamos reunida, para poder verla fácilmente, toda la información que habitualmente utilizamos en nuestro quehacer diario y, por supuesto, que sea lo más asequible y práctica de utilizar.<}0{>gather all the information we normally use in our daily work so that it can be easily viewed and as accessible and easy-to-use as possible.<0}

{0>Se ha dividido el menú en dos apartados bien diferenciados, uno sobre Información general,  y otro sobre Destacados.<}0{>The menu has been divided into two distinct sections, one on Overview, and other on Highlights.<0}

{0>Información general:<}94{>Overview:<0} {0>compuesto de los siguientes epígrafes:<}52{>composed of the following headings: