Document Actions

Secretariado de Actividades Culturales


D. JOSÉ MARÍA CONEJERO MANZANO, Assistant Professor of the Telematics and Computer Systems Department. He is the Head of thie this Office since the 1st of September 2017.

Quality Subdirector

Dª. RAQUEL MARÍA MARÍN CHAMORRO, Associate Professor of the English Department.

Team and Addresses

Ángel de los Bueis Salcedo.

Phone extension: 51107


Isabel Porras Masero.

Phone extension: 51108


Universidad de Extremadura
Plaza de Caldereros, 1 
10003 Cáceres

Phone: 927 25 70 09


The main purpose of the Cultural Activities Secretariat, reporting to the Quality Vice Chancellery, is to channel and accommodate all the initiatives of a cultural nature that arise within the university community and make updated and accurate information available regarding the number of cultural activities that take place within its social environment. Also, the Secretariat directs and coordinates various activities, both of a permanent and ad hoc nature, with which it intends to encourage the participation of the university community of Extremadura in the cultural life of the region.


Cultural Rooms

Summer Courses

English Courses for Children

Other Activities

Reporting Vice Chancellery

Quality Vice Chancellery