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Info 10. Courses taught in English at UEx

Centres WITH subjects in English (click on them):

Facultad de Educación y Psicología (Badajoz campus)

Facultad de Formación del Profesorado (Cáceres campus)

Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Badajoz campus)

Facultad de Veterinaria (Cáceres campus)

Escuela de Ingenierías Agrarias (Badajoz campus)

Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación y de la Comunicación (Badajoz campus)

For information on the courses from the rest of the centres at UEx, you can check the following list of PALEX or else, ask the academic coordinator in those centres (contacts here).

And..Remember you can mix-and-match!! (except for numerus clausus, certain previous knowledge required…)

PALEX (Foreing language_UEx system)_As a part of the UEx's internationalization drive, a program called PALEx offers some subjects in foreign languages (FL) other than Spanish, in particular in English and Portuguese, where English is the most common. These bilingual subjects in English are offered by participating faculty members, at three levels: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced. These three levels allow international studies to work in the language they prefer, Spanish or English, or mixed.

In the following section you will find the lists of the PALEx classes for the course year 2023-2024. This list is gives you an        apporximate idea of what courses will be available for the next course year, as most PALex classes do repeat.

Advanced or           Bilingual
  • There are the fully bilingual subjects, which are offered in English.
  • They also include classes offered in the English Philology degrees.These subjects offer everything in English: class lectures, class materials and evaluations, professor’s office hours, etc.
You can see the list HERE
  • It means that the course lectures are partially offered in English, in that 5 class hours are done in English.
  • All class materials, including resources, class presentations and evaluations are available in English.
  • Office hours with the professor, so that the class can be followed by international students who choose this option
    You can see the list HERE
    • It means that resources, class presentations and evaluations are available in English.
    • Office hours with the professor, so that the class can easily be followed by international students who want to follow the actual classes in Spanish, but who also want support for the assessment and materials/resources in English.
    • Please, note that all classes are delivered in Spanish
    You can see the list HERE