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General training objectives

  • To train students’ abilities and skills to devise, develop, and implement the design process and redesign of products, concepts and services, keeping a balance between the technique and the socio-cultural context, and answering to the needs and trends of users, companies, the market and the society in general.
  • To provide the knowledge and the necessary procedures from a technical, scientific, humanist and aesthetic perspective guaranteeing a sustainable and environmental development and, enhancing creative and innovative skills required in the development of products.
  • To develop abilities for future professional growth: teamwork, leadership, competitiveness, and product release in society through the development of communication techniques, marketing, decision making, among others.
  • To bet for responsibility and respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women at the professional-academic training that involves awareness between the professional activity and the respect to the diversity, and the human, cultural and environmental values.