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The Degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering is a title that qualifies for the professional exercise of Agricultural Technical Engineer in the specialty of Agrarian and Food Industries, so it is in accordance with the provisions established by the Government for that title (Ministerial Order CIN / 323/2009 of February 9, published in the BOE of February 19, 2009).

The curriculum was designed in such a way that through the different subjects that integrate it the student could acquire the competencies required for the professional exercise, competences that in turn are correlated with the learning outcomes.

The main objective of the Degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering is to develop abilities and aptitudes in the students to conceive and to execute projects in the scope of the engineering of the agricultural and food industries. To this end, students should be provided with the scientific, technological and socio-economic training necessary to draw and design the facilities and production processes of the food industry. In addition, they must have the capacity to supervise the start-up and subsequent operation of these processes, guarantee the quality, traceability and safety of the food produced and manage the industrial waste, developing an adequate economic management of the agricultural food company.