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The Degree in Horticulture and Gardening is a title that qualifies for the professional exercise of Agricultural Technical Engineer in the specialty of Horticulture and Gardening, so it is in accordance with the provisions established by the Government for that title (Ministerial Order CIN / 323/2009 of February 9, published in the BOE of February 19, 2009).

The main objective of the Degree is to develop in students the abilities and aptitudes that are needed for the drafting, execution and management of projects in the field of horticulture, gardening and landscaping. Scientific, technical and socio-economic knowledge is provided so that students are able to apply the most suitable solutions for horticulture, garden and sport areas, and landscaping. These technical solutions should also consider the economic constraints and regulations related to the works and facilities of the project. Social and environmental sustainability needs should also be taken into account. Students must acquire the capacity to know and apply the classic and emerging technologies in horticultural crops to achieve sustainable and quality productions; to work on genetics and plant improvement; design and implement civil works and facilities applicable to horticulture, gardening and landscaping. The learning outcomes should also include all updated information on legislation and environmental management.